Introduce The Island collective (VR project)

Lydia Lei
3 min readMay 22, 2023

From Web3 dapp to Web2 App. Published this article on Web3dapp.

Now republish it on Meduim Web2 app.

Hi, everyone, long time no see.

Today I want to introduce a “VR Project” named The Island collective which I think is WebXR, built by OxforDigitaLab. It is a VR game built on IC, which is very fun.

I had a few meetings with the team, they were very smart developers. Feel sorry for them, cause this article should be written two months ago. Anyway, here we go.

1. First, Enter “ islandcollective.ic.bikethe website is also built on Internet computer. you will get this page here. Also, you can see those keys on the right. It’s like a game that you can use “wasd” key to as the jamp/run function.

The website page of The island collective

Secondly, You will get a beautiful page like below, One of the team members designed it. If I remember right, he is grauated from Oxford. The color mixed very well, and you can see the introduction words on the left page,and the setting button at the bottom. The voice of the ocean also designed nicely. Also you can move your mouse to turn the direction of the island.

Thridly, find this bridge, there is a sign of orange, says “orange club” go to the end of this bridge, you will find a colourful moving “windmill” window, then jump into it. After you finished all of those steps, the game is going to be start.

The gate bridge

After you jump into the colorful “windmill”, you will see the VR club elevator. Then Push the red handle down. (just put your mouse on the red handle, it will turn into a hand that you can push down) , after you finished wait for a minute. you will go to the club.

The gate of the elevator

Well. great job, you are in the club room now. You can see there are two rooms here.( I don’t know if this is the wrong code, but you can move your mouse to see you whole view of the club.

There is a bar, where you can grab a beer or cocktail with friends. Also, you can play DJ here. ( I love this part most, so much fun,It’s a multiplayer VR game, so you can call your friends to join you.

The club room.

Last time,they were weared the VR machine, we had a lot of funs.

The club bar and DJ desk

Okay, so all the above-mentioned are telling how to join the game. now it’s time to tell you what the Island Club is about. They told me all the codes are based on-hain, and all the data are stored in the canister. Anyone can build their own private room,like a metaverse room, where you can caution your own NFT arts, you can create a study room in it if you want.

Try it~ one of the most fun web3 projects I ever used.

Okay, thank you be patient read all the words. Have a nice day.



Lydia Lei

Blockchain VC, focus on Dfinity ecosystems Early stage investment.