Review of <AMA with iCAN >

Lydia Lei
4 min readMay 14, 2022

A Canister management tool~

Lydia: Hey, Everyone, thanks for be here with us today. This is our first ama on openchat, i dont know if there are enough friends here. But let’s start from today~It’s an milestone moment for web3.0 world ~

Elie: Hello Lydia ! ICAN team here, I’m Elie, contract engineer. and ddd009 Frank our’s frontend engineer ~

Lydia: thanks you all again today for be here to see that we are laueching an event on blockchain with 412ppl together. Today we have iCAN‘s founder @elie as our guest to share iCAN project build on IC. elie thanks for been here Let’s start now.

Lydia: Q1. Elie, when you show me your project, I am really fascinated by the “canister steward” idea! Can you give a brief introduction to our audiences about it?

Eile : Of course! Btw, first of all, thanks for lydia’s invitation! In fact, we have known each other and communicated for long. But it is the first time to have an open and formal conversation with you. Feel quite honored to be the first project in your AMA.

Ok, then get into the point. Our product is called iCAN, a Canister management tool for developers.

Developers can create their own hubs in iCAN, where they can create, remove, upgrade, top up Canister, test their Canister’s status and get to it in time.

Lydia: nice to hear!I have another question for you

Q2. So what are your strengths?

Elie: We have several outstanding fuctions:

Create Management Hub in random subnet Canister management hubs are generated randomly within the application subnet, so developers can actively choose to create their Canisters in any subnet by creating many hubs in different subnets.

Convenient Management Developers can name the canisters, tag them or give them a description so that you can manage them conveniently.

Trustless Management Hub Canister is only controlled by yourself, which supports a trustless hosting service.

Lydia: you mean the canister are all controlled by the owner.

Elie: yes, canister’s controlled by the developer self

Lydia: Q3. Sounds good! Any instructions for developers to use iCAN?

Elie: The detailed manual is in our gitbook here.

Lydia: Q4.What are your plans for the future development?

Elie: Yeah, we have a roadmap for the future. There are four stages.

2022Q2 MVP launch.

2022Q3 Full support for the current Canister management.

Import Canisters Created Before

Support to deploy Actor Class Canister

Support to add more Administrators to Hub Canister ( Support Team Cooperation )

Open source iCAN and hand over to the community DAO

Support one click creation of specific types of canisters (asset canisters, NFT canisters) and uploading front-end assets.

2022Q4 Launch the Log Management Platform. Support data recovery.

2022Q4–2023 Become the best Canister management platform and developer infrastructure for IC.

Lydia: Q5.Can you introduce your team? As I know, you are from a big tech lab called Mixlabs, and it also incubates a few projects on IC.

Frank : I can answer this question.

Right, we are from Mixlabs. And it is a leading-edge technology laboratory in the blockchain direction composed of top universities and community developers in Asia. It is mainly engaged in cutting-edge technology research, incubation and ecological support in the blockchain direction.

And several projects are being incubated now, such as Metabox, ICSCAN and iMart. They will launch ASAP later. Please stay tuned! Here are some brief intros:

a) Metabox is user’s own data space in web3.

b) ICSCAN is a data explorer,the entry to the IC ecosystem, which aims at collecting data and dig the new value of data of IC.

c) iMart: the best all-in-one NFT marketplace on the Internet Computer, your first metaverse curation space

Lydia: Q6.Awesome. I can’t wait to see your guys’ amazing work. And what do you think about IC ecosystem now?

Frank: At present, the ecology of IC is still in the early stage, mainly in the early stage of exploration and early realization. There are still many good applications being perfected that have not been released. I hope everyone will remain optimistic about the future of IC, I believe that the Web3 will certainly break out on IC.

Lydia: Q7.What is the most difficult part during the developing ?

Frank: How to balance the scalability and performance of applications is a very important issue.

Lydia: Q8.What is the biggest challenge during the project Development ?

Elie: I think how to balance the scalability and performance of applications is a VERY important issue.

Lydia: Q9. What kind of support do you wanted from the community?

Frank: We all wish developer community can join in to maintain and build iCAN together.

Lydia: We need more devs to join in ,and i think you did a great job so far, as many dev joined in ,ic will be better. will pinn this massage in the group,i think friends here will give a lot support.

Lydia: Q10.Any words to the community?

Frank: Hope everyone stick to the belief of IC. We will realize the true Web3 on IC together one day!

Lydia: Thank you @elie and Frank for been here and sharing your project to us~ i think ppl in this group will follow your Twitter and social media, when the different time zone friends woke up,they all will saw the informations here. Thanks you everyone, Tonight‘s AMA will be ended up here now.

Group member : Thank you for the AMA
This was very informative and it made me even more bullish on the future of ICP both as a Blockchain and as an ecosystem.



Lydia Lei

Blockchain VC, focus on Dfinity ecosystems Early stage investment.